It’s hard to believe that so much time has past since my last post. I have so massively busy I haven’t even had time to think about blogging. So… on to the update.
Firstly, the projects roughly in the order of creation:
Firstly, we have a picture of the gauge swatch I made for the curtain for the spare bedroom; I’m not sure why I didn’t take a picture of the finished curtain. As soon as I finish knitting the second curtain I will post finished pictures.

Next, is a picture of a camouflage blanket that I designed and knitted using DAK
Next, is a blanket I made for my children’s babysitter. Well, it’s actually for her new son Caydan. This blanket was knit on my garter carriage in moss stitch, then embroidered with his name and birthday, and finally backed with a cool outdoor/woods themed fabric (Caydan’s Dad is a big hunter).
Lastly, we have pictures of two purses I have sewn and my brand new diaper bag:

You can see in the picture that one of the purses is embroidered “Bones”. This purse was made for my sister who is an RN. “Bones” is my husband’s nickname for her.
The diaper bag was super fun to make; I started with a diaper bag pattern I found online and modified the snot out of it until I was satisfied it could hold everything I need for a 3yr old, a 2yr old, and newborn twins. It’s massive! 19” x 12” x 8”
I also have knitted a ton of blankets on my garter carriage, hand knitted and crocheted slippers for myself and my kids, and sewn my husband a new pair of pajama bottoms on my new serger; but I’ll have to post pictures of those at another time.
Ok, enough about my projects, on to the twins:

Temperance Kathaleen and Talia Isabelle: born on Labor Day, September 3, 2012 at 4:28 and 4:29 AM.
The girls were born 4 1/2 weeks early, but despite that were absolutely perfect! They both got perfect Apgar scores and passed every test they were put through. They are six weeks old now and are still doing great.